Trekking Sapa Tips To Tailor Your Trip

A trekking trip through the aromatic rice fields and mountains of Sapa is one of the highlights of a trip in Vietnam. Visit local villages and see the landscape here. Especially you will have the opportunity to conquer Fansipan mountain – the roof of Indochina. Sapa trekking is an experience you will never forget. This guide from Goasiadaytrip will help you to choose a meaningful trip that suits what you need and also prepare everything for a trekking Sapa trip.

Trekking tips in Sapa (Internet)

Why choose trekking in Sapa?

One of the trekking areas that are especially loved by domestic and foreign tourists in Vietnam is Sapa. It possesses diverse roads, with different levels of difficulty. Therefore, depending on your trekking experience at any level, there will be a choice of suitable routes. For example: if you are a person with little trekking experience, you should try your hand at such roads as: Lan Than, Ta Chi Nhu. If you have a lot of experiences of trekking, you should choose more complicated roads, such as: Fansipan, Ta Xua, Bach Moc Luong Tu,…
Trekking tips in Sapa (Internet)

What is the best time for trekking in Sapa?

Sapa is always beautiful so every time of the year, trekking in Sapa brings you interesting experiences. However, in order to have the best preparation, you should understand the climatic conditions of Sapa at different times.
Trekking tips in Sapa (Internet)

Tips for a perfect trekking tour

Trekking tours can be for a day or up to three days. We recommend you a 2D – 1N trekking trip for the best experience. The second trekking day for many tourists is the best day because the landscape is becoming more impressive and you will meet less tourists. Besides the beautiful rice fields, you will stroll through the forest and visit the local villages. At the end of the day, you will stay in a local home of to experience real life here.
Trekking for three days is for those who really love trekking because the landscape will not change much. Of course you will go further and will encounter fewer tourists.


  • Local people on the road often invite you to buy things when you trekking. This may be uncomfortable for you. You just politely refuse if they try to sell.
  • You should book trekking tour that starts in Hanoi. You can be picked up in Hanoi by a shuttle car and depart to Sapa. It’s more convenient and save time.
Trekking tips in Sapa (Internet)

I hope this article about trekking Sapa tips may help you tailor a best holiday ever in this summer 2019.
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